
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Challenges Facing Public Schools Essay Example for Free

Challenges Facing Public Schools EssayThe fundamental purpose of education is to gain knowledge, inculcate the forms of proper mastermind and acquire technical competency, (Oak, 2010). These skills and abilities are considered important in our world so as to have socio-economic growth and development individually and in the community. Goel (2007) observes that it is because education is so important that the US Department of Education aims to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring cope with access.Thus in countries such as the US, children who may non be able to afford the cost of croping can access education in mankind educational institutions subsidized by the government. Though noble, the concept of public education unfortunately has a number of fundamental challenges that must be investigated for undestroyable solutions. These challenges are highlighted below, their problem assertions and the arising hypotheses Problem Statement 1 One of the greatest disturbs in public schools is violence.Lede (2010) notes that violence in public schools is a growing concern of parents, teachers, school administrators, politicians and community leaders. Lede (2010) continues to observe that many communities in the United States of America are faced with the dilemma of how to protect the integrity of the education by eliminating dotty behavior among the schools constituency and the environment where l constructing takes place. What are the determinants of violence in public schools? What is the effect of parental interest group and violence in public schools? Is there any relationship between poor teacher training and violence in public schools?Hypothesis Economic and social issues are committed with violence in public schools. Parental socialization at the home front influences students propensity to violence in public schools. Teacher training does not impact on the existence of violence in public schools. wideness of the statements and hypothesis in the research The statements and hypotheses in this research would assist the researcher in investigating the problem of violence in public schools and begin to explore solutions that address the root cause of the problem and not the symptoms of the problemProblem statement 2Another one of the core challenges faced by public educational institutions is that of insufficient funds. By virtue of the fact that public schools depend on the government to meet their budgets, more often than not, the schools find themselves without enough money to carry out their activities. What is the effect of lack of sufficient funding on the select education in public schools? What is the effect of programme prioritization on budget management in public schools? What are other sources of funding that can be explored to ensure constant funding of public schools programmes? HypothesisLack of sufficient funds compromises on the qua lity education offered in public schools. Budget systematization can be successfully achieved through programme prioritisation of the programmes at public schools. Diversification of the sources of funding to meet budgetary needs at public schools has ensured sustainability of the schools programmes. Importance of the statements and hypothesis in the research A research on this issue would ensure that sustainable solutions to budgetary constraints are met that translate to operational efficiency (Maguad, 2007) and a high quality of education is constantly high in public schools.Problem statement 3 Public institutions of learning are faced by the problem of low or no parental involvement. Since many of the students in public schools come from middle and working classes in which both parents have to earn a living to sustain the families, it is rare that the parents find time to be actively involved in their childrens school life. What is the effect of parental involvement on student achievement in public schools? What is the correlation between parental aspirations and expectations for their children and student achievement in public schools?Do parents give external the right to educate their children when they place them in public schools? Hypothesis A students performance is influenced by his/her parents interest and participation in his school work. Parental aspiration and expectation for children determines the achievements of the children in school. Parents of children in public schools forfeit any right to determine what or how their children are educated. Importance of the statements and hypothesis in the research The research would find out whether parents have an active role to play in their childrens well being for assured achievement in school.The issue of parental involvement could also form the basis of understanding other challenges facing public schools such as student violence (Alliance for the judicial separation of School State, 2008). In c onclusion, public educational institutions experience many challenges ranging from budgetary constraints, student violence and low parental involvement. Much research needs to be done to establish why these problems exist in the first place and lasting solutions for these institutions.

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